Sunday, January 11, 2009


I moved into a new ward at this beginning of this school year. One of my first weeks here, I was in Sunday school when a guy was called on to say the prayer, but the person leading the class botched the kid's last name, which is Coatney.

"I'm sorry," the teacher said, "how do you say it?"

"Here," the guy said, standing up to demonstrate to the class. "It's Coatney. Coat"--he touched the arm of the suit coat he was wearing--"knee"--he patted his leg--"Coatney. There. Now you'll never forget."

"Oh, okay," I said. "Shoulderpants. Got it."

The few people sitting right around me (my roommates, mostly) chuckled at my comment. I don't think Mr. Shoulderpants actually heard it--if he did, he made no response. But ever since that day, me and my roommates have referred to him as Shoulderpants.

Today I got called as a Home Evening group leader. As I looked over the list of people in my group just now, I realized that he's in it.

This will most definitely be an exercise in restraint for me, but, should my restraint fail, look for cool follow-up stories in the comments section of this post.


Jenny said...

Yeah, it's usually a bad thing to torment someone with a nickname.

Katie said...

Au contraire, I'm all for you not restraining yourself if it means stories.

Then again, I'm totally angling that way for my own entertainment purposes . . . ;)

Th. said...


You should try it once and then explain it and see what he thinks. Why not?

Schmetterling said...

Shoulderpants has yet to show up to home evening, but he did drop by to announce that he is now our home teacher, so that's exciting!