Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Last night I went on a date. It was a first date with a girl in my ward. We went to the Draper temple open house. Everyone told me it was a bad idea; they all said, "Kyle, that's gonna be really awkward! Don't make it a first date." I, of course, in my typical style, disregarded everything anyone had to say about it, and we went on a date to the temple.

It was a very nice date. Nothing awkward or dramatic about it. In fact, I've never been on a date that went so smoothly and hitchless. I only mention it on this blog so that you can know that occasionally, every now and then, when the moon is in the right phase and the stars and planets align just so, I can pull off a good date.

Thought you should know.


Chillygator said...

PLEASE tell you gazed at her with glimpses of eternity while in the Celestial room (or glimpses of lust in the terrestrial one?)

Isn't it gorgeous?

Schmetterling said...

Hehe. That's awesome.

And, yes, it is gorgeous.

Th. said...

